Tuesday, June 17, 2008


"You should always try and think out of the box..."
"What box?"
My mom needs a GPS system. Especially when she is let loose in a mall. I was just talking to big fat man and explaining that shopping with my mom is far worse than the total perspective vortex. It is more like a paradigm shift (that too, a little to the right.). I am still trying to get the shaken nervous system back into its usual pristine work flow.
Moral of the story: Never go shopping for curtains with your mother. You will end up with ice cube trays, forks, soap holders, hangers, detergents, eatables, dairy products, vegetables (at 25% off), kitchen towels, scissors, knife, wooden spoons (for the pickles), sambar powder, kalankari shirts, raja ravi varma fake painting (lady with the lamp), a visit to the nearest zoo, etc.
Thank you.
P.S: My mom says we are going to buy the curtains for sure by the end of this week.


Couch Potato said...

Lady with the lamp was by J.B. Haldenkar, not Ravi Varma. It's a very beautiful painting and the original hangs in the Mysore Palace.

Aditya said...

Thanks couch,
I have the fake one. In my own palace. Heh heh.

RamKiran said...

Oh! Thats loads of stuff for your new house. utility stuff. ICE CUBE TRAYS, very important Stuff ha! No need to run for ice in the middle of the nights. Yesterday i saw a chinese movie "Cherries" every one should see it once, its about mother's love, the purest form of love which can exist in this universe. Mom knows pretty well what a child needs. of course we are always children to them, still not able to do our things...... want to be a kid again, running around my mother. The only lady on the whole planet who could tolerate me. And got the composure to say, i was a very nice kid.

Anonymous said...

cant agree more....

Lubna said...

Hi Rambler,
Did you survive the curtain buying spree. You sure are lucky to have your Mum helping you settle in - I am sure you know that. This, nothwitstanding the fact that you have to hunt for her while she shops. I know the experiene, I am sure we all do. Did she even buy you an alarm clock? Mine did, even though I use my mobile phone and dont need a separate alarm clock. Mums are just too precious.

The Rambler said...

Hey RK, Sandeep and Lubna,

I survived. I also managed to buy the curtains. My mom really is helping me out with so many things that I can't list them all. I'll put up the pics of the house very soon.

The Rambler.