Tuesday, October 14, 2008

La Poderosa II (The mighty one)

That is the name of the Norton used by Alberto and Ernesto. For further information, please read "The Motorcycle Diaries" by Ernesto 'Che' Guevara. If you are a non-male, you will thoroughly understand the bond between boys and their motorcycles.
I am in the hospital again. This time, it is acute bronchitis, which is further strengthened with the complete absence of any mallu nurses around. Why does god play this practical joke with me? I mean, I think its perfectly fine that I keep falling sick, but have you ever heard of a hospital with no mallu nurses? I mean, how the hell am I supposed to recover? So I decided that I am not going to be admitted.
Okay. So there is a poem running in my head.
I wish for a world, where dope is legal and sex is free,
where there are no urine tests, and everyone screws gravity,
where the sun is a shiny big disco ball, and the earth is not reality,
If only beer would rain from the sky, and we'd have steak mountains high,
and if all the animals could speak, they'd probably, on us, take a leak,
where a house is a motorbike, and all the money has taken a hike,
I wish for one world, where the national anthem is by Led Zeppelin,
where the national bird is Kentucky fried chickin.
(Time to cough my guts out and spew the venomous phlegm into the wash. See you next time.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh poor Rambler....... Do you like us to send you some Hot Mallu Nurses to Nurse you and do all the JOBs you need........... Get well soon buddy.... we will get you the cake, u can dig in.