Sunday, March 2, 2008

Jack Daniels

Life is sad. So I'm not going to write about it now. Almost all the people who are reading this are probably over the legal age limit and have a long hard story to tell. Everyone has a past. If you dont, you're probably too drunk to remember or you take an objective view of life or face it, you are plain boring. But we are not going to discuss that either. As already stated, Life is sad, so I'm not going to talk about it. What I'm going to talk or write or type (this is for those 'technically correct and objectively accurate' kind of people) about is what life does to you, which is really sad. When you are a kid, there is so much of creative potential and all the colors are what they are...but somehow, for some god - forsaken reason, everything turns to three colors when you grow up. They are black, White and aquamarine. Its really sad as long as life is in black or white, but its really really sad when it gets to aquamarine. The basic problem with life is that you have to live it. There is no other option. And as if its some consolation, all the rest of your kind is going to do the same thing. Everyone of us is born, we go to school, we study (at least some of us do and the rest pretend), we get a job, we get married, have kids, grow old and die. Thats like seven easy steps to live life. And in between the first and the seventh steps, there is so much happening that you dont get time for eating fried peanuts. Which is what you were sent here for in the first place. As my good friend G. A. once said, "All life is timepass". Is there a solution for all this? Can we make our lives more meaningful? What is a life well led? What is successful? The answer to all this, is "frankly, me dear, I dont give a damn." I, for one, am going to do what I'm here for, fulfill my purpose and all that jazz. Eat fried peanuts and drink Jack Daniels.


RamKiran said...

Dude Life is not sad dude, just it depends how we think of it. The kind of attitude u had when u went into OR for ur spine surgery, I never seen it with anyone, and i don't think i will see it with anyone. Thats far far more than brave, Actually braveness is some thing different. you defined how to take things with coolness, when things go awfully wrong. ........ Yeah life is timepass, but quality timepass is what we want. And need to work for that, thats the Game is all about. Just play the Game......... If we r feeling sad, we r lost and there is some thing wrong with us which need to be seriously corrected.

Anonymous said...

Personally....I like roasted peanuts. Or peanut butter. But in the absence of the aforementioned I can survive with fried peanuts. Love the Jack though.

Also...I didn't have a say in being born but I definitely pretended to study, didn't get a job, haven't got married, dont have kids (at least, not to my knowledge)and refuse to grow (too) old.

As far as dying goes? I may be too old to rock'n'roll...but I'm too young to die!!

Couch Potato said...

Nice blog. It's nice to see you're back on your feet talking the kind of talk I know from you. You won't get sympathy from me, but then again, you never really needed it.

The Rambler said...

Thanks ramkiran, big fat man, couch potato for the comments. And yes, couch potato, I will always be back on my feet talking the kind of talk you know from me. Thats because I am blessed with wonderful people around me who give me the strength to carry on and talk useless crap. The three people who have commented here are also in that list.